Friday, December 2, 2011

Sobriety begins today

I am 25 years old, a mother of 2, a wife, and Im ADDICTED to food. I have always loved food, ever since I can remember food has been my vice, my whole life as a Hispanic female has revolved around it! Parties, Holidays...honestly just everyday life. Well I mean its hard not to love the thing your very survival depends on. Food is not like any other drug, other drugs you don't need to live, you don't have to be around other drugs everyday for the rest of your on the other hand is a necessity. Every street corner here in So Cal rings true to that very necessity, there is some kind of food related establishment ready to feed me and so many other "hungry" addicted americans. So here I am so tired of living this way, so sick of being some person I never thought I would be, Im over 100 lbs overweight, and each day is a vicious battle with food. I know I have to loose weight for my children; they deserve a healthy active mom. For my husband; he deserves a strong, confident, beautiful partner. For my family; i'm almost positive they don't wanna burry me in a couple years. Most of all for me; i deserve to live my life, to seize each day, to feel healthy and vibrant. I deserve to live life the way I've dream about every day. I always thought of myself as outgoing, funny, a leader, go getter, passionate, artistic, full of life....but these days that person is slipping further and further away. I am not social at all, I sabotage almost every relationship that isn't family, I hardly stand up for the things I believe in, Im lazier than ever before, and everyday I hope for the next to be the day my life changes. Planning for a future that will never exist. So that's it!!!!!! I saw a documentary last night that has changed my view on everything FOOD related!!!! I definitely understand that I am a food addicted, heavily addicted to caffeine, sugar and foods that are high in calories, super processed, and extremely low in nutritional value. To make things worse my children are just as addicted. I refuse to pass on this way of living to my children. I am not only doing this for me but for them as well, which is going to be such a challenge! My son is such a picky eater and prefers only the animal protein that is served to him, he hates anything that resembles a vegetable, and my daughter who is over weight at 7 years old also has a love affair with food. So this is it. We are going Vegan!!! Well at least we will try to be close to Vegan as possible. We are a household that only has one income at the moment. So we struggle with $$ every single month. Its going to be a challenge to eat Vegan because its more expensive than buying processed food. I mean a package of top ramen noodles costs less than a quarter, ridiculous right?? Sobriety begins today!!! This blog will be dedicated to my struggle, rants, raves, and VICTORIES as a mother of two young picky eating children, a wife, and a food addict going Vegan in a carnivorous, fat, and sick world.

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